Posted on Apr 17, 2020
CW2 Network Management Technician
So I have submitted a Warrant Packet for 255N. My packet has been accepted by the recruiters and has been submitted to proponent. The board was originally suppose to convene in May 2020 but has been pushed to June 2020 due to COVID-19. So while I’m waiting for the board to convene I just received an email from my branch manager stating I was DA selected with a possible report date in Nov 2020. When I asked my branch manager how that could potentially affect me he says that it’s up to USAREC and he merely just nominates. My board results should be available early July 2020 on whether or not I’m selected. Does anyone have any knowledge of this could negatively affect my chances of going warrant if selected. My assumptions are if I’m selected this would trump my da selection for recruiting but I’m not 100% sure. Thanks in advance.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
Commissioning programs trump all. If the board selects you, you will be given orders to report to the next school and continue with your current recruiting orders until then.
If you are not selected for warrant, you continue with your current recruiting orders.

If you are required to reenlist for recruiting and sign a declination, that will end your warrant board process in it's tracks
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SSG Intelligence Analyst
If you are selected for warrant officer prior to your report to recruiting, your da selection will be cancelled and you will proceed to WOCS. If you are not selected, you will proceed to recruiting
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CW2 Network Management Technician
UPDATE: The board was changed once again back to the original period in May but done so as a virtual board.

I was selected to attend Warrant Officer Candidate School. And almost immediately my ATRRS reservation for recruiting was cancelled.

Thanks for everyone’s help!
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