Posted on Mar 27, 2017
SGT Randall Stanaway
Shoulder injury, with MRI which revealed some type of muscle tear. Mission is music performance, such as COC/COR ceremonies.
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Responses: 8
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
The unit commander can order a rescheduling of physical therapy due to mission requirements, but in so doing assumes responsibility for any aggravation that occurs. I generally counsel against that course of action for that reason - the Soldier's long-term health and welfare is of greater import in most garrison situations.
I would ask two questions in this particular case:
1. Does the profile preclude the SM from performing with the unit? If it does, it is pointless to have him reschedule.
2. Is the Soldier so indispensable that their non-attendance would jeopardize the mission? I don't know the ins and outs of Army Band operations, but I should think not.

Bonus question that does not seem to apply here: is there reason to believe the Soldier is malingering? Better have some real evidence to back that up, because commanders get relieved for aggravating real injuries in the face of a medical officer's opinion.
1SG Jay Vanderford
1SG Jay Vanderford
>1 y
Spot on advice, I have actually been through a lot with Soldiers trying to escape deployments and spent much time with the medical IG to get things straight, they were of great assistance. But yes, never override a medical decision, it can only go downhill from there, best to call that medical officer, or like me, the medical IG to ascertain the nature exactly what he/she can or cannot do, and professional input about rescheduling the appointment from the PT.
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SGM Erik Marquez
SGT Randall Stanaway
SGT Randall Stanaway
>1 y
Hey, thanks for the quick response! Thats what I expected, but the units I have been in were generally accommodating for medical appointments, so I wasn't completely sure.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
SGT Randall Stanaway - Your welcome
Again, its can, should, will.
They can
They should IF the SM is mission critical, can reasonably reschedule and there is no danger to him physically
They will if they don't think it though, or the above "should" has been considered and is felt applies.

If this is for a "All hands" formation to stand on the parade ground then NO.
If this is the only Sm that can play the tuba, operate the radio, is the Voice of the ceremony, the one that has practiced, rehearsed the ceremony event and there is no replacement....then yes, tell them to report, and do what is needed to help them reschedule. If they have been waiting 6 months to get the appointment and the DIV surgeon cant get a fast reschedule, then .... then support the SM.. Any unit who is literally dependent on a single SM is not meeting the intent of the Army's mission.
SGT Randall Stanaway
SGT Randall Stanaway
>1 y
Thanks for the more in-depth response, and I will agree that this is a logical approach to the situation. As for your last sentence....I've been surprised at how dependent some units are on single individuals, including Soldiers who are only E4-E6. Thanks again for the help!
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MSG Brad Sand
Mission always comes first.
SFC Fire Support Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Yea... screw your medical issues as long as the mission gets accomplished.

It's comments like that that make soldiers not trust ncos and want out of the army
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