Recent Activity -
GE - Sheet Machine Shop, Union Camp - Machine Operator, Retail Sales management for an automotive store - Construction ( excavation work ), Milprint - Machine Operator, Baker Equipment Engineering - Steel / Sheet Metal Fabricator. Now retired and 100% Service Connected due to Agent Orange ( Ischemic Heart Disease and three heart attacks ).
Military Experiences
Feb 1967 - May 1969
Oiler, then Duty BT
Stated out as an Oiler in B-2 engineroom then went to the BT ( Boiler Tender ) gang after returning from Vietnam. When I got orders, the rumor was that the half Moon would be deploying to Vietnam.
Sep 1966 - Feb 1967
Student in EN - "A" school. EN is Engineman. Called an MK ( Machinery Technician ) these days.
May 1966 - Sep 1966
Small Boat Crewman
Small Boat crewman
Sep 1965 - May 1966
(10 months)Apr 1967 - Jan 1968

Vietnam War
Aboard CGC Halfmoon - WHEC 378 Part Of CG RON3 TF115 Operation Markettime ( Coastal Surveillance & Gunfire support ). Did a lot of Boarding ops on Suspect boats looking for contraband. pretty much what they were doing on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, trying to stop the flow of stuff from the North to the South.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Oct 1966 - Feb 1967
EN-A School ( Now MK ) Groton, Conn.
Personal Information