Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
May 2010 - Jun 2012
USAF Staff Officer
Principal advisor on Air National Guard matters to the Deputy Chief Staff, Personnel, Management and Services (AF/A1) on plans and policies for military and civilian personnel. Draft and reviews plans, policies, and programs to ensure adherence to Air Force Total Force objectives and requirements. Coordinate on staff actions involving the Air Reserve Components in support of and on behalf of the AF/A1. AF/A1’s primary representative for Reserve
Component matters to Office of Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Joint Staff, other Service Components, and AF Major Commands. Also functions as a senior reserve conduit between the AF/A1 and the ANG on the total spectrum of manpower and personnel issues.
Recent example is the coordinated revision of Air Force Medical Continuation Policy for the Active and Reserve components.
Component matters to Office of Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Joint Staff, other Service Components, and AF Major Commands. Also functions as a senior reserve conduit between the AF/A1 and the ANG on the total spectrum of manpower and personnel issues.
Recent example is the coordinated revision of Air Force Medical Continuation Policy for the Active and Reserve components.
Dec 2008 - May 2010
Deputy Director Manpower, Personnel and Services
Air Force service component level deputy personnel director for approximately 107,500 members of the Air National Guard (ANG) nation-wide. Supervise assigned civilian and military of approximately 180 personnel and assist the Director in the establishment, management and in some cases the execution of ANG personnel, manpower, services, training programs and policies. Manage NGB/A1 daily operations to include personnel actions, staffing, scheduling, workflow management, and finance. Develop inputs for future force initiatives involving the Personnel Directorate and coordinates actions for personnel related initiatives. Assist in developing Air National Guard policy and programming for Future Years Defense Plan and the President's budget. Develop broad policy and guidance in support of the Director, Air National Guard on all matters relating to ANG personnel readiness policy, plans and systems for volunteerism, Presidential Reserve Call-up, mobilization, deployment and demobilization. Other personnel management duties and responsibilities as assigned
Mar 2005 - Dec 2008
ANG Military Assistant
Principal Advisor and Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Reserve Affairs) on all matters pertaining to the formulation, review and execution of plans, policies and programs affecting the Air Reserve Components (ARC). Primary representative for the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/MR) to the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness) on various project teams encompassing varied issues such as mobilization policy, reserve component readiness and manpower issues. Lead action officer in answering all congressional inquiries, GAO and Air Force audits. Analyzed staffing process to identify backlogs and remedy office work load imbalances in meeting the timely coordination of Air Force and Department of Defense task requirements. Prepared congressional testimony for the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary and communications to other agencies of the DoD in response to inquiries from the Commission on the National Guard and Reserve (CNGR).
Jan 2002 - Mar 2005
ANG Crisis Team Director/NGB JOC Air Liaison Officer
Provided command and control as a Director of the 24/7 operations of the Air National Guard Crisis Action Team (CAT) in sourcing all Air Force manpower and equipment requirements with resources for all worldwide contingency operations. Provided ANG and AF leadership situational awareness and a common operating picture in support of all Major AF Commands and Combatant Commands for Operations NOBLE EAGLE, ENDURING FREEDOM AND IRAQI FREEDOM. Demonstrated a solid track record of written and oral communications in presentation of findings and resolutions to issues regarding utilization of Air National Guard resources to include daily situation briefings to the Senior Director, senior leadership and Headquarters Air Force organizations for continuity of operations. Single Air Component Officer assigned as an Air Liaison to the National Guard Bureau’s Joint Operations Center (NGB/JOC) supporting the Domestic and Homeland Security requirements with timely guidance for access and use of Air National Guard resources in response to Domestic emergencies and National Security Special Events (NSSE).
Demonstrated ability to operate and react with sound responses while operating in a high stress, fast pace environment as a result of emergency operations with domestic events.
Demonstrated ability to operate and react with sound responses while operating in a high stress, fast pace environment as a result of emergency operations with domestic events.
Military Credentials
Additional Specialization(s)
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Observed superior management and leadership of all Air National Guard forces mobilized in support of Operation... <a class="show-endorsement" data-remote="true" href="/endorsements/73195">See more</a>
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character

Air Force | Political-Military Affairs Strategist
Regional Director, WHEM/SSA and Congressional Liaison at SAF/IA, SECAF, HQDAF
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character