SMSgt Gary Calhoun

SMSgt Gary Calhoun

Dates of Service: Feb 1982 - Jan 2015
77% Complete
56 Contacts
Influence Score: 12,138
4,779 out of 868,063 Veterans
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  • A1C 1983
  • SrA 1984
  • SSgt 1985
  • PFC 1989
  • SPC 1989
  • TSgt 1997
  • MSgt 2000
  • SMSgt 2006

Recent Activity  -


Motivated/adaptable security professional w/ more than 32 years of diverse military/civilian experience. Achieved progressive levels of leadership - operational and executive management roles. Led/mentored highly-trained security teams; doctrine, plans, policy & procedures to protect multi-million dollar systems, critical components & installation personnel; developed security training programs.

Military Experiences

Mar 2009 - Jan 2015
106 RW
Supt, Plans & Programs / Operations Superintendent / Unit Training Manager
- Planned/orchestrated protection details for numerous US senators, congressmen, general officers and other distinguished visitors
- Developed operational plans with NYARNG/NYANG leaders; collaborated on force protection for a 1,000-person exercise in multiple locations simultaneously
- Wing Inspection Team leader for Security Forces--directed assessment of 2,865 checklist items; ensured unit health and compliance
- Requested by the 164th Airlift Wing; developed curriculum-taught 2 courses in 4 days-instructed more than 35 officer and senior enlisted leaders on admin processes
- Led a team and conducted presence patrols during and after Winter Storm Nemo in whiteout conditions; rescued or assisted more than 60 civilians from brutal cold and near-blizzard conditions
Feb 2006 - Feb 2009
Superintendent, Security Forces Training
- Developed career field policies, issued guidance and interpreted training directives for more than 5,500 Airmen at 23 locations worldwide
- Managed a 30 million dollar expansion project for the career field’s largest training center; executed 25 state-of-the-art initiatives—a showcase for force protection initiatives in a desert environment
- Managed formal school allocations and training forecasts for ACC & ACC-gained units; scheduled more than 1,000 Defenders for training each year
- Analyzed training center's 3.8 million dollar annual budget submissions; detected several errors and redundancies--$800,000 recovered
- Coordinated Air Combat Command’s flow of defense forces during the aftermath of Hurricane Ike; Air Force bases and their worldwide missions quickly restored
Sep 2005 - Feb 2006
Force Protection Action Officer
- Tasked as shift supervisor during JTFs Katrina and Rita; largest ever peacetime Air Force operation; maintained constant oversight of each deployed unit without discrepancy
- Collaborated with US Northern Command and the Secretary of Defense’s office to complete requests for forces in the storm-ravaged zone--requests quickly approved and unit moved in for life-saving operations
- Recognized as the operational level anti-terrorism and force protection subject matter expert in the Air Operations Center for several career fields
- Conducted multiple assessments and visits; primed aircraft alert sites and Air Defense Sectors for Command alert evaluations
- Analyzed complex information, industrial/physical security matters--maintained critical program integrity with zero security violations
Sep 1990 - Feb 2006
125 SFS
Combat Arms Instructor
- Headed the Installation’s CATM shop and directed the training, scheduling and evaluating of wing personnel to support both home station and deployed taskings
- Directed flight operations for Security Forces to include assigned augmentees--provided on-scene supervision, prepared reports, enforced standards of conduct and adherence to laws and directives
- Led security forces during humanitarian relief operations for Hurricanes Ivan and Jeanne; responded throughout Central and Southern Florida to protect life and property
- Directed SF members at NAS Key West as the security team chief; supported a displaced homeland air defense mission--partnered with the US Navy and the Air Force Reserve to develop a united team


(1 year, 8 months)
Mar 2011 - Oct 2011
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
- Flawless support for 510 deployed members at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan; facilitated the integration/redeployment movement for more than 1,000 personnel in 6 monthly phases
- Analyzed the defense plan at Bagram Airfield's largest vehicle entry control point; walked sector and validated mutual support for posts--provided immediate impact
Sep 2006 - Apr 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
- Trained team leaders at Kirkuk, Iraq on a proprietary C2 system--that same evening one trainee used system to identify/direct the capture of insurgents
- Directed the liaison team for 506th Air Expeditionary Group and 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division; the team recognized by brigade for professionalism and dedication
Dec 2001 - Mar 2002
Operation Northern Watch
- Built and supervised a holistic total force team of 29 Defenders as the mid-shift Flight Chief; supported Operation NORTHERN WATCH at Incirlik AB, Turkey--morale skyrocketed and critical assets secured

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Ended in Feb 2014

Nuclear Security Inspection Course

Ended in Dec 2008

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter