Recent Activity -
Seeking a challenging position as a Health Care Administrator, Manager, or Recruiter within a professional environment providing opportunity for growth and career advancement. Possesses strong leadership and communication skills; excellent relations with subordinates, co-workers, and management; decisive, clear thinker, creative and energetic problem-solver.
Military Experiences
Jun 2001 - Apr 2006
Intelligence Sergeant
Developed intelligence estimates and annexes for all operations orders; developed plans for command training exercises for 21 subordinate units; served as the brigade anti-terrorism officer; initiated a brigade security management program that included personnel, information, and operation security policy; managed the brigade individual training program; supervised completion of the unit status readiness report.
Apr 2000 - Jun 2001
Support Operations Medical NCO
Planned the seamless medical treatment and evacuation support for a brigade combat team in a mechanized infantry division consisting of over 3000 soldiers. Planned medical maintenance, optical, dental, and class VIII medical supplies (Sets, Kits, and Outfits) to ensure support throughout the area of operations. Ensured ancillary medical services were available throughout the brigade combat area of operations. Exercised management oversight for the inventory, stocking, and standardization of the brigade's Sets, Kits and Outfits, specifically Medical Equipment Sets (MES), Trauma Sets and Sick Call Sets. Responsible for identifying, analyzing and recommending medical and non-medical equipment and supplies used as component items in Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE).
(1 year, 10 months)Aug 2004 - Feb 2005

Served as the Battle Staff NCO in support of Task Force Medical Falcon X at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo.
Jun 1999 - Dec 1999

In support of Operation Joint Guardian served as the ambulance platoon sergeant at part of Charlie Company, 299th Forward Support Battalion, 2d Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division out of Schweinfurt, Germany. Provided medical evacuation of injured personnel throughout the area of operations.
Aug 1990 - Mar 1991

Saudi Arabia
Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm as the Medical NCO in support of Heavy Company, Second Squadron, Third Armored Cavalry Regiment out of Fort Bliss, Texas. Provided seamless treatment and evacuation of sick and wounded Soldiers throughout the area of operations.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Nov 1997 - Jan 1998
Advanced NCO Course ANCOC
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees