LTC Colin Hanzlik

LTC Colin Hanzlik

Dates of Service: Nov 1987 - Jun 2010
51% Complete
11 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,827
12,148 out of 868,073 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT
  • MAJ
  • LTC
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1987

Recent Activity  -


Armor Platoon Leader/Company XO/BN S3 (Air) in FRG/Germany (Cold War & Desert Shield/Storm), Squadron S3 (Air)/C Trp Cdr 1/11 ACR, HHT Cdr 2/11 ACR at NTC, SR OCT (ACRC) at Ft. Hood, IG at Ft. Irwin, Sqdn S3 5/15 CAV, BN XO 1/81 AR, Course Mgr AOBC 1/16 CAV at Ft. Knox, Sr Bde Advisor IMBS Bde (SANG) at Riyadh, KSA, Bde S3 402nd FA BDE, Travis AFB - RETIRED!

Poor SD ranch kid who did well in sports, debate, drama, choir, etc. Played hard in HS and college but was a Distinguished Military Graduate anyway! hahaha!

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

hunting (animals and otherwise) fishing kayaking hiking etc.


CH (MAJ) William Beaver

Army | Command and Unit Chaplain

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter