Maj Michael StClair

Maj Michael StClair

Dates of Service: Jan 1959 - Jan 1988
56% Complete
13 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,065
9,701 out of 864,947 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Cpl Apr 65
  • Sgt Jun 66
  • SSgt Feb 68
  • GySgt Feb 73
  • 2ndLt May 76
  • 1stLt May 78
  • Capt Oct 81
  • Maj Feb 86
Commissioning Source:  Enlisted-to-Officer, May 1976

Recent Activity  -


30 Years active duty as both officer and enlisted. Infantry, Intelligence, and Military Police assignments.

Military Experiences

Jan 1959 - Dec 1988
Various enlisted assignments as and 0311 / 0239 / 5811 in both ground and aviation units. Infantry Batallion, Recon Battalion, Division / VMFA, MAG, Wing. Various officer assignments afloat / instructor / 1stMarDiv / student.


(7 years, 6 months)
Oct 1984 - Nov 1984
Attended Jungle warfare school as the S2 1stReconBn
Aug 1983 - Sep 1983
Operation Bright Star, Berbera, Somalia
Aug 1977 - Feb 1978
Western Pacific
Marine Intelligence Officer for the Nucleus Landing Force Staff.
Sep 1976 - Feb 1977
Western Pacific
Marine Intelligence Officer for the Nucleus Landing Force Staff.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Oct 1984 - Nov 1984

Aug 1978 - Sep 1978

Electronic Warfare Staff Officer Fort Huachucha

Aug 1971 - Sep 1971

MP Supervisor Fort Gordon

Sep 1968 - Nov 1968

Intelligence Analyst Course, Fort Holabird

Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher