Recent Activity -
Since leaving the Corps I have been involved in the computer industry as a technician and manager. I am nearing retirement and looking forward to that day!
Military Experiences
May 1974 - Feb 1976
Instructor at Air Defense warfare school. Trained enlisted operators and officer controller in air defense control. I was promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-6) during this period.
Accepted a medical discharge due to a football injury.
Apr 1973 - May 1974
Air Defense Operator
Air defense operator and unit training NCO. Went on two deployments to the Philippines during this period.
Sep 1971 - Mar 1973
I & I Staff
Unit training NCO for Marine reserve training squadron. Was very involved with Toys for Tots. I appeared at many schools and public events on behalf of USMCR and Toys for Tots. I was promoted to Sergeant (E-5) while in Denver,
Sep 1969 - Sep 1971
Air Defense Operator
Air Defense operator, NBC tech and unit S2 clerk. Promoted to Corporal (E-4) while at MCAS-7
(1 year, 2 months)Apr 1973 - May 1974

Participated in two joint exercises with US Navy and Philippine units. Served as unit Training NCO in addition to primary job as Air defense control operator.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Aug 1972
Chemical Biological Radio-logical Course
Jan 1970
MTDS Operator Course
Jun 1969 - Aug 1969
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Apr 1975 - May 1975
Unit Discussion Leader
Security Clearance