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About me..hard to say I have gained a lot of experience through the Army having two MOS's. Aviation Operations has been pretty fun and also boring at times, Admin it is always good to help another Soldier out. 22 years and counting, what will the future bring????
Military Experiences
Oct 2010 - Mar 2015
Aviation Operations Sergeant
Currently supporting my Command working as the BN S1 Adjutant, FLT OPS NCOIC, COMSEC Custodian (ALT), Blue Force Tracker Operator, Command Post of the Future Operator, Observer Coach/Trainer-Mentor, Defense Travel System NCOIC. I have filled the position of S3 Operations NCOIC as well.
Jul 2009 - Jul 2010
S3 Operations NCOIC Assistant
Served in the S3 as the Assistant OPS NCOIC and overall TOC Supervisor. In charge of the overall setup and performance of the TOC, two Shift Supervisors (SFC), 3 Battle NCOs (SSG), 8 Operations Specialists. Daily duties consisted of ensuring that the Weekly/Daily Flight Schedule, Weekly/Daily NOTAMS, SPINS, Weekly/Daily Weather, were maintained and accurate. Ensured all TOC Personnel were familiar with TOC Battle drills were practiced weekly and updated as needed. I served as the TAMIS NOCIC managing training ammunition to ensure our capability of training with our assigned weapons was possible.
Jul 2006 - Jul 2009
I served as an CATT NCOIC for 21st CAV BDE, Observer Coach/Trainer for the S3/Flight OPs section for multiple units transitioning from AH64 Alpha to Delta model. CAT Team SharePoint site maintainer, CAT Team Historian, and Training Calendar maintainer.
(1 year, 1 month)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character