CPO James McKelvy

CPO James McKelvy

Dates of Service: Feb 1992 - Jul 2014
63% Complete
0 Endorsements
12 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,104
34,050 out of 867,939 Veterans
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  • SR
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  • PO3
  • PO2 May 96
  • PO1 May 01
  • CPO Sep 06

Recent Activity  -


Retired from the Navy in 2014 as a Chief Machinist's Mate with over 22 years of service, settling in Edmond, Oklahoma as my forever home. Started work in the oil field doing third party quality assurance. After the oil crunch in 2015 I migrated over the Utilities Maintenance at the university of Oklahoma and Now work for the FAA as Facitlies Management Specialist overseeing maintenance contracts.

Military Experiences

May 2008 - Mar 2010
Engineering Traing Inspector
Conducted evaluations and monitoring of engineering operations, materiel conditions and training on 5 Navy Ships ensuring that all ships assigned met all navy surface training requirements in preparations of deployment. Also qualified engineering office of the watch for the USS Bataan.
May 2008 - Mar 2010
Engineering Traing Inspector
Conducted evaluations and monitoring of engineering operations, materiel conditions and training on 5 Navy Ships ensuring that all ships assigned met all navy surface training requirements in preparations of deployment. Also qualified engineering office of the watch for the USS Bataan.
May 2004 - Jul 2008
Conducted curriculum reviews for the Basic Propulsion Engineering and Thermodynamics course EM300. Taught the EM300 labs to non engineering major students. Also managed and taught the plebe summer damage control training for incomming freshman midshipmen.
May 2006 - Aug 2007
Linguist Operations Manager
DoD contracting officer representative and linguist operations manager overseeing 200 local national, third country national and U.S. hired interpreters ensuring units operating out of Camp Bucca Iraq had adequate support via quality interpreters. Also ensured that all units requiring interpreters and the government contractor servicing the linquist contract adhered to the linquist operation contract.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees


Moore Norman Technology Center

Job/Skill Training, Motor Controlers and Process Logic Controllers

2005 - 2007

Coastline Community College

Associate Degree, Applied Marine Engineering

2005 - 2007

Coastline Community College

Associate Degree, Vocational Technical Education

Personal Information
