SPC Christopher Buckalew

SPC Christopher Buckalew

Dates of Service: Aug 1993 - Feb 1996
67% Complete
75 Contacts
Influence Score: 14,928
3,939 out of 863,575 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2 Aug 93
  • PFC Aug 94
  • SPC Aug 95

Recent Activity  -


Joined the Army via the Delayed Entry Program at age 17, I always knew I wanted to be a soldier. I secured an Infantry Airborne Ranger contract and shipped out to Ft. Benning, GA. I wound up getting a medical discharge due to a knee injury on a jump. Went to college and got a RN degree and have been working as a Registered Nurse for many years now. I miss the Army every day.

Military Experiences

Apr 1994 - Feb 1996
2-327 IN
SAW gunner in a line infantry squad, eventually moved to the BN assistant Ammunition NCO. Once I got word that I was going to be medically discharged against my will, my 1st Sgt moved me to HHC Company and had me work in the records room and I basically just started attending college full time. I showed up for PT formation in the morning and then attended classes. During my time off from class I reported to the company and worked for my last 6 months of service.
Nov 1993 - Dec 1993
1-507 PIR
Utrinque paratas

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Ended in May 1994

Air Assault Badge

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Aug 1995

Military Initial Vehicle Driver Training Course

Nov 1993 - Dec 1993

Started in Dec 1993


Feb 1996

Good Conduct Medal

Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Liberty University

Bachelor's Degree, Working on BS in Religion
