Recent Activity -
Advance the state of the art of supporting military decision-making in strategy, campaigning, and tactics, and in supporting the job performance of intelligence professionals in advanced analytical tradecraft, problem framing in military design, collections applications, and information management. Emphasis on use of applicatory methods to improve job execution, particularly case method.
Editor, Marine Corps Intelligence Association, Inc., INTSUM Magazine for 2012-2014.
Website co-administrator, CONSIMWORLD Social, 2008-present
Author of two book chapters and over 50 articles in professional journals.
Commercial conflict simulation/wargame play tester for 10 board war-games and 2 computer games.
Book and war-game reviewer, "Modern War" weekly television series, 1994.
Editor, Marine Corps Intelligence Association, Inc., INTSUM Magazine for 2012-2014.
Website co-administrator, CONSIMWORLD Social, 2008-present
Author of two book chapters and over 50 articles in professional journals.
Commercial conflict simulation/wargame play tester for 10 board war-games and 2 computer games.
Book and war-game reviewer, "Modern War" weekly television series, 1994.
Military Experiences
Sep 2006 - Sep 2010
Providing subject matter expertise and intelligence enterprise-wide awareness on Operating Forces manning, training, and equipping requirements with an emphasis on major force deployments in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM.
May 2004 - Aug 2006
AC/S G2/Director of Intelligence
Senior Intelligence Officer for the Far East Marine Air-Ground Task Force. Also served as the Director of Intelligence, J2, for Joint Task Force/Combined Support Group 536 for OPERATION UNIFIED ASSISTANCE providing Tsunami humanitarian assistance/disaster relief in early 2005.
Sep 2003 - Apr 2004
Senior Intelligence Officer for Ground Combat Element of the Far East Marine Corps Air-Ground Task Force.
May 2000 - Jul 2003
Senior Intelligence Officer for Air Combat Element of West Coast Marine Air-Ground Task Force; planned and executed intelligence operations supporting the invasion of Iraq in early 2003.
(6 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 2000 - Jun 2001
Air War College Nonresident Program
Feb 1996 - Dec 1996
Command and Staff College - Nonresident Program
Sep 1993 - May 1994
War fighting Skills Program (MCI 8400)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 1990 - Jul 1990
Basic Imagery Officer Course
Apr 2001
USMC Master Instructor
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees