SSgt Douglas Eckert Sr.

SSgt Douglas Eckert Sr.

Dates of Service: Jun 1979 - Jun 1985
42% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 290
128,016 out of 864,882 Veterans
About Discussions


  • Pvt
  • PFC Aug 79
  • LCpl Dec 79
  • Cpl Jun 80
  • Sgt Dec 81
  • SSgt Feb 84

Recent Activity  -


(9 months)
Sep 1984 - Oct 1984
Saudi Arabia
infultrait locations and set up satellite location threw out stategic locations for data recovery and information pertaining to Osama Bin laudin and the taliban / no casulties
May 1983 - Jun 1983
personell retrival of president Noreaga / no casulties
Jul 1981
personell retrival of college students from the island of Greneda / no casulties
Dec 1980 - Mar 1981
Bahrain / Beruit
personell retrivel of 53 hostages in Beruit / several casulties to the unit

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Sep 1979 - Dec 1979

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say