SFC Timothy Dutcher

SFC Timothy Dutcher

Dates of Service: Mar 1989 - Mar 2005
77% Complete
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,020
8,609 out of 866,614 Veterans
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  • PVT Mar 89
  • PV2 Sep 89
  • PFC Jan 90
  • SPC Dec 90
  • SGT Nov 92
  • SSG Dec 00
  • SFC May 04

Recent Activity  -


I took a break from service between 1994 and 1997. My time spent serving was filled with many fond memories of great soldiers, excellent learning experiences, and lifelong friendships.

Military Experiences

Sep 2003 - Apr 2005
100th TD
Sep 1997 - Aug 2003
81st CST
WMD CST Survey Team Leader
 Prepares the WMD CST Survey Team to operate in the Incident Command System (ICS) employed at the state/local level and procedures for crime scene and evidence preservation at a WMD incident.  Knows CBRN antidote administration and safe patient extraction, crime scene/evidence preservation techniques, establishes WMD CST chain of custody procedures and demonstrates the ability to utilize Standard Operating Procedures and Guidance (SOPs/SOGs) to monitor Survey personnel operating in the Hot Zone  Responsible for tracking WMD CST personnel entering/exiting a WMD incident site and developing a record keeping system to track the hazardous material training certifications of WMD CST Survey Teams  Serves as WMD CST liaison/point of contact with Emergency response agencies and Incident Commanders on WMD CST detection, sample collection and monitoring capabilities  Develops entry plans for reconnaissance and sampling missions in the Hot Zone.  Ensures that Survey Team Members are proficient in the operation of required detection equipment, procedures for downrange operations and extraction procedures and techniques in the event of an emergency  Uses the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Guide to select the appropriate respiratory protection for WMD CST Survey teams  Meets with designated civilian government agency and/or senior military leaders to discuss WMD CST concept, mission, and/or plan WMD CST participation in a state/local WMD response  Integrates state of the art detection and sample collection technologies into the Survey Team training schedule.  Conducts Survey Team (mission) briefs before personnel enter an incident site including the review of all known information on the hazard, wind direction and speed, safety precautions, types of test to be accomplished, and mission GO or NO-GO criteria.  Performs all operational tasks while wearing each level of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE).  Prepares and manages the Reconnaissance Team Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).  Knowledge of emergency response operations, hazardous materials incident response and the Incident Command System highly desirable.
Aug 1989 - Mar 1994
B Co
Squad Leader
Trains his squad on the individual and collective tasks required to sustain combat effectiveness. - Accountable for his men and equipment - Submits reports for awards and decorations to senior officers . - Directs maintenance of squad equipment and weapons - Inspects conditions of weapons, uniform and clothing - Ensures equal distribution of supplies and materials among squad members - Controls emotional well-being of his soldiers - Helps in traning and development - technical guidance and support to soldiers - responsible for the health, morale, and welfare of his Soldiers mission objectives are carried out and that each solider under his command understands his role in that mission and carries out his duties to the best of his ability. For example, if enemy contact is expected during the mission, the squad leader must outline each squad member's duties in fire support, under what condition regrouping is to be conducted and where the rally point for the mission is located


(11 months)
Aug 1993 - Dec 1993
Squad leader in the 2/14th Infantry.
Oct 1990 - Mar 1991
MFO mission

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

I enjoy spending time with my family and reconnecting with friends.