CPL Dr. Bernard J Baca

CPL Dr. Bernard J Baca

Dates of Service: no date specified
56% Complete
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Influence Score: 130
200,709 out of 867,938 Veterans
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After I ETS'd from the Army, I went to Graduate School for my MSSW degree at U. of Wisconsin-Madison, then in 1980 entered Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at Central Michigan University. I eventually completed my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the Union Institute. I was a forensic psychologist for 10 years then now exclusively practice as a couple/marital Counselor.

Military Experiences

Jan 1972 - Aug 1973
Drafted into US Army 1971. Stationed permanent party in Ft. Sill, OK as an instructor for Pershing Tactical Nuclear Weapons. Teach incoming trainees on how to provide support by maintaining vehicles, and missile itself, for deployment in Germany as a tactical nuclear device.

Personal Information

automotive maitanancereading a variety of books on crime and murder and history