Recent Activity -
Over 20 years of honorable service in the US Army in multiple locations worldwide. Experience in Management, Supply Accountability, Warehousing, Physical Security, Transportation and Maintenance. Proficiently trained in the use of Windows XP, Vista, Seven, and Microsoft Office to include MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook and Office Picture Manager. Possess considerable knowledge of US
Military Experiences
May 2011 - Nov 2012
Property Book Officer (PBO)
Manage an automated logistics system that processes equipment issue, turn-ins, and receipts for 6 assigned companies located in Ft Riley, KS; Ft Leonard Wood, MO and Ft Bliss, TX. Supervise 3 personnel and assisted in training. Accountable for over $47 million worth of property. Maintained all records of inventory and accountability for the six subordinate units. Requisitioned all shortage equipment for 3 units to ensure full combat preparation for deployment to Southwest Asia. Worked hand in hand with Program Manager to ensure that specific Explosive Ordinance Disposal equipment developed
Jun 2009 - Apr 2011
Supply Supervisor
Managed a property book using Security Assistance Automated Resources Management System (SAARMS) Property Software. Supervised government-owned and leased equipment valued in excess of $3.5M. Arranged requisitioning, documenting, issuing and controlling equipment and supplies. Supervised two local national employees. Monitored the command's Paying Agent Fund and Government Purchase Card programs with an annual expense of approximately $1.5 million. Developed a spending program for funds appropriated at the end of the fiscal year to maximize the diversity of purchases. Advised senior com
Apr 2007 - May 2009
Supply Supervisor
Senior Logistician for a gender-integrated Basic Combat Training (BCT) battalion consisting of six companies with 1.400 Soldiers in Training, 126 Cadre, five DA Civilians, and a full-service dining facility employing 95 civilian employees. Coordinated leading, counseling, training, and professional development of two Noncommissioned Officers, two enlisted Soldiers, and two DA civilians. Managed $54,000.00 monthly budget for training, medical, and maintenance. Provided accountability for over $2 million of property book items, over $200,000.00 of training items and over $5 million of indivi
Dec 2002 - Mar 2007
Supply Supervisor
Prepared a Special Troops Battalion of over 700 Soldiers to include 3 General Officers and over 28 Sergeants Majors for deployment to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom IV. Conducted all of the
purchasing for the Battalion and Multinational Force-Iraq Command Group. Arranged the initial fitting and issue of new uniforms and equipment to over 400 Soldiers while deployed. Provided customer service support to 550 Soldiers, NCOs, Officers, and General Officers of the Corps Headquarters with equipment worth over $1 Billion. Requisitioned various categories of supplies. Maintained the a
(2 years)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information