SPC Paul Tucker

SPC Paul Tucker

Dates of Service: Feb 1993 - Nov 1996
86% Complete
13 Contacts
Influence Score: 10,306
5,565 out of 867,689 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PV2 Feb 93
  • PFC Feb 94
  • SPC Apr 95

Recent Activity  -


I am a licensed professional engineer in ten states. I specialize in structural engineering. I have designed thousands of buildings and also perform forensic evaluations and expert witness services. In addition to my practice, I am an adjunct lecturer at The University of Tennessee. I started working on my Ph.D. in 2014. I am a licensed structural engineer (PE) in ten states. I graduated with my engineering degree in 1999 from The University of Tennessee and went on to get my MS in structural engineering in 2002 from UT as well, while working. I started my own practice in 2006 and in 2012 was asked to return to my alma mater as an adjunct. I have continued as an adjunct while maintaining my practice and started a structural repair company in 2015.

Military Experiences

May 1996 - Sep 1996
311th MI BN
Squad Leader
Squad leader of the LLVI squad. I took over an E-5 position in the months prior to my ETS. I was recommended for promotion prior to becoming squad leader, but my platoon sergeant did not send the packet to BN HQ in time and when I arrived to appear before the promotion board my packet was not there. This process delayed my appearance two months which put me past my window of retention. Thus, I ETSed as a specialist instead of a Sargent. I planned the LLVI squad missions and our routes as well as our E&E plans during our missions. Coordinated our operations the C&J Squad. I also coordinated up to three LLVI teams at one time while leading one team. I can't discuss the mission of an LLVI team or what we did on our missions as it is all classified.
Sep 1995 - May 1996
311th MI BN
Team Leader
Team leader of the LLVI squad. I planned the LLVI team mission and our routes as well as our E&E plans during our missions. Coordinated our operations the LLVI Squad Leader and the other LLVI Team Leaders. I can't discuss the mission of an LLVI team or what we did on our missions as it is all classified.
Jan 1995 - Sep 1995
311th MI BN
Team Member
LLVI team Member. Performed squad member functions as LLVI squad member. CLS certified squad member and also M203 qualified. The M203 was my weapon for the team.
Aug 1994 - Dec 1994
344th MI
AIT Student
98G(Arabic) AIT school. I was the Distinguished Honor Graduate of my Class. I also was the only male student to earn the STRAC award. It means Skille, Tough, and Ready Around the Clock. To earn the award, a student had to graduate with a minimum GPA of 95%, earn the Army High PT Award during AIT, and Earn a Certificate from the Soldier of the Month Board. If you could not make at least a 290 on the PT test, or get score high enough on the Soldier of the Month Board or maintain the GPA (in Arabic), you did not qualify. Only one student made it. THIS GUY!. For my overall candor and excellence, I was awarded an Army Achievement Medal at Graduation.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 1994 - Dec 1994

Advanced Individual Training (AIT) - 98G

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills


Arabic (Modern Standard) (3/3)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2014 - 2019

University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Ph.D., Biosystems Engineering - Structural Engineering

2001 - 2002

1993 - 1994

Defense Language Institute

Silver Diploma, Modern Standard Arabic

Personal Information
