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80 Contacts
Influence Score: 22,545
169 out of 215,434 Civilians
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Passionate & solutions oriented award winning pharmaceutical talent acquisition leader. Track record of implementing innovative & efficient strategies to lead TA teams in identifying top talent & providing exceptional candidate and client experience. Proud daughter of a Navy Vet and granddaughter to an Army Veteran. Thank you to all the military and military families that have served our country.

International Experience

(6 months)
Feb 2000 - Jul 2000
Latrobe University Study Abroad Program


Foreign Language Skills


Additional Role(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired


Academic Degrees

Started in 2009

University of Oregon

Bachelor's Degree

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter