PO3 Clifford Meinhardt

PO3 Clifford Meinhardt

Dates of Service: Aug 1987 - Aug 1991
53% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 281
133,560 out of 864,904 Veterans
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Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Dec 1987 - Aug 1991
USS Kidd (DDG-993)
Operations Specialist
Battle "E" times 3. Best ship in the fleet.


(7 months)
Jan 1991 - Jul 1991
Persian/Arabian Gulf
Desert Storm/Desert Shield Combat Vet

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Oct 1987 - Dec 1987

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret

Personal Information

Current Location
Home Town
Paxico, KS