LTC Tim Stoy

LTC Tim Stoy

Dates of Service: May 1981 - May 2012
73% Complete
0 Endorsements
16 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,811
22,694 out of 867,883 Veterans
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  • 2LT
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  • LTC
Commissioning Source:  USMA, May 1981

Recent Activity  -


31 years in the Army as an Infantry Officer and a Foreign Area Officer. Served on the Army staff my final 6 years as the Army G-2 senior analyst for Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Mongolia. Since retiring in 2012 have conducted historical seminars on the 3rd ID, 6th Army Group, and allied forces in OPN Dragoon and Colmar Pocket. Conduct yearly commemorations in Berchtesgaden and Southern France.

Military Experiences

Sep 2006 - May 2012
US Army G2 Senior Intelligence Analyst for Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Mongolia
The Army G-2 Intelligence analyst responsible for Afghanistan during the resurgence of the Taliban. Participated in National Intelligence Estimate productions on the situation in Afghanistan each of the six years I was in the position. Deployed to the Joint Intelligence Operations Center - Afghanistan for three months Nov 2008 to Feb 2009 to serve as Senior Taliban leadership analyst.
Aug 2002 - Aug 2006
US Army Exchange Instructor
Teach US Army operational and strategic doctrine, force structure, weapons, and other topics of importance to the future leaders of the German Armed Forces. Served on the German Armed Forces Military Terminology Board with the mission to ensure common understanding of critical military terms and concepts in both English and German. Review NATO planning documents and assist in instruction using NATO procedures.
Jul 1999 - Jul 2002
Strategic Air Command (SAC)
Theater Senior Strategic Analyst for Western Europe
Produce for Senior Theater leadership strategic estimates on Western Europe with a predictive timeframe of 10-20 years.
Oct 1998 - Jul 1999
Chief of Analysis and Senior Western European Intelligence Analyst


(11 months)
Nov 2008 - Feb 2009
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Senior intelligence analyst Taliban leadership in the Joint Intelligence Operations Center - Afghanistan. Responsible for identifying trends and predicting the actions of senior Taliban leaders in ISAF's campaign against the Taliban.
Oct 1995 - Apr 1996
Task Force Chief of Staff for the US component of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Responsible for all logistics, maintenance, and administration for a 500 person Task Force operating 10 observation posts along a 150 mile stretch of border between Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Aug 1992 - Feb 1993

Command and General Staff College Correspondence Course

Jan 1982 - Feb 1982

Infantry Mortar Platoon Leaders Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Feb 1982 - Apr 1982

Aug 1981

Foreign Language Skills


German (4/4)

Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1989 - 1990

Georgetown University

Master's Degree, National Security Studies

1977 - 1981

United States Military Academy (USMA West Point)

Bachelor's Degree, General Engineering

Personal Information

Invited by
15th infantry regimentgeorge washington and the founding of the american republicFef56c9 GuitarF3af5240 Military HistoryAe5debb6 Travel
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