MAJ Lee Shockley

MAJ Lee Shockley

Dates of Service: Sep 1979 - Apr 2001
50% Complete
0 Endorsements
16 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,724
16,001 out of 864,744 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT Dec 80
  • 1LT Sep 82
  • CPT Sep 84
  • MAJ Jun 93
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, Dec 1980

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jul 1987 - Mar 1989
Rifle Company Commander
Sep 1985 - Jul 1987
Battalion Logistics Officer (S4)
Oct 1983 - Sep 1984
Executive Officer

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Sep 1989 - Dec 1989

Operations Research Systems Analysis Course

Aug 1981

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1990 - 1992

1975 - 1980
