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Responses: 4
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Thanks for sharing.
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CPT Military Police
COL Mikel J. Burroughs For some it will be a difficult transition into the digital world, the idea of hiring a "avatar" as opposed to a live interview is going to be an obstacle that will have to be overcome. Keeping in mind that smaller business prides itself of personal interaction and it's connection with the community, it's going to be more difficult to get sole proprietorship, LLC and S Corporations to participate than larger corporations It may be worth while to create an event for these types of buisness to view the application prior to the Job Fair. The idea itself sounds like it would be helpful to these business types with regards to the manipulation of time (time management), it seems the possibility of conducting interviews at convenient times rather than only during business hours and across time zones would be helpful.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) You bring up some good points, but you can meet through the webcam option as well one-on-one in the virtual world. It's new technology and its where the Internet will be heading in the future. Avatars can have the same face as the individual that is controling them as well. The cost savings and the reach are the most attractive features of the Virtual reality and if employers are serious about hiring deabled veterans then there is a good purpose for the Avatar in some cases. It helps build confidence for those that can't leave their home and need projects to work on remotely. It also allows more flexibility for those working during the days for evening interviews and meeting as well as on the weekends, specifically for active duty personnel still on duty Monday through Friday!
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LTC Stephen F.
Thanks COL Mikel J. Burroughs for your dedication to the disabled veterans of the US military. I did not specifically know that an HR Department can attract Veterans 24/7 365 days in an Immersive Interactive Virtual World. I hope the webinar is viewed by many HR department personnel this evening and that they will have renewed interest in hiring veterans.
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