SERE Instructor

USAF SERE Specialist

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MSgt Charles Johnson

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USAF SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) Specialists.
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Best parts of holding this position

USAF SERE Specialists are trained to provide Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape instruction to Aircrews and other personnel who are at high risk during their duties, and to provide that training for potentially any environment. Becoming a SERE Specialist is extremely demanding but offers a great career in helping others all over the world. SERE are Scuba / Combatives / Parachuting trained experts. USAF SERE are also the only Test Parachutists in the DOD.
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Worst parts of holding this position

A SERE Specialist can expect to spend their 1st 4 years teaching survival in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest. After that they may be assigned all over the world.
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Advice on how to prepare for this position

Talk to your recruiter and get in shape. Never quit!

Most recent contributors: MSgt Charles Johnson

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