Posted on Jul 27, 2019
Is there a Navy regulation that states gun quals have to be done at a Naval installation?
We have some guys in my division who got their rifle quals (pistol is usually done in boot camp) at a couple different, local ranges who say they’re sponsored by our command. They usually charge anywhere from $70-$200 for the session and, it seems like, they teach you the “Navy way” and that they have all the proper paperwork to add it onto your service record. However, we had one of the CMAAs in charge of our division tell these guys that there’s a Navy regulation “out there” that says it must be done at a Navy installation (to which it’s done for free). Additionally, our command, when I first got here a year and a half ago, encourages sailors that want to increase the amount of ribbons/medals they’ve earned and told us that there’s a “place out in town” that offers rifle qualification courses. They have been informing new sailors about this the whole time I’ve been here. Is there a regulation out there?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
LCDR (Join to see)
Coming from a soldier who knows how to read the books, thank you, SSG Livingston.
PO3 (Join to see) Why on earth would you pay to get your qualifications done Cody? If you need to have qualifications, the Navy should be providing the qualification unless its something extra you do just to get and expert medal?
PO3 (Join to see)
With all due respect, that wasn’t the question I was posing. I was asking about the regulations. If people want to pay money for those quals, go right ahead, but there was confusion between my division and the CMAA as to whether or not it was allowed.
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