I am attending the funeral of by brother-in-law today. He was in the Air Force during vietnam. He was very elusive about what her experience while serving. My sister said he was a Captain that flew KC135 refueling missions there. He was discharged with 100% disability due to the trauma he experienced. The VA has been treating ever since. However, he was discharged as a Airman First Class. How could that even happen? I have a feeling that we will never know what the truth really is. He was deeply troubled as long as I have known him. He killed himself while my sister was out of the house for just a short time. I hope he rests in peace.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
There should be a DD214 in his records. If not a copy can be had in about 10 days from the NPRC.

Start Your Military Service Record (DD Form 214) Request
How to Request Military Service Records, Military Personnel Files, Veterans Records, Discharge Papers, Separation Documents, DD214, or Prove Military Service
He made up stories. I'm a Vietnam Vet and so was my brother in law who just died. His official Marine photo showed his ribbons but no Purple Heart. In the casket he had two Purple Heart medals. He was member of the shore police. He never told me about being hit either. Later in life he drank heavy and told war stories to other people. Very sad.
One thing people may not realize for disabled vets, an autopsy should be conducted to ensure service connection. If so, widow may qualify for pension.
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