Veterans Health and Wellness Foundation


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SSgt Timothy Prevost

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The Veteran is the heart and soul of our organization. They deserve supportive communities of people who know them, hear them, and see them in ways that hold true to their integrity and identity. Experiences of Veterans are often vastly different than that of their civilian neighbors, so their voice needs to be adequately incorporated in health and wellness discussions, and ultimately, service development and delivery.

The Veteran Health and Wellness Foundation (VHWF) is a non-profit 501c3 charitable entity established by military Veterans with expertise in the area where health, wellness and healthcare delivery intersects with the social determinants of health and military culture. VHWF exists for the express purpose of addressing systemic inequities regarding access to and excellence in care provided by the Department of Defense, Veteran’s Health Administration of Civilian Healthcare Facilities to Veterans and their families.  
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Mission & Vision

To build, educate, and maintain resource networks to support the complex physical, social, and emotional needs of Veteran communities across the nation.

VHWF envisions communities that possess the knowledge and capacity to not only identify and address service-related health challenges, but to embrace, support, and empower Veterans and their families who experience them.

VHWF envisions communities that possess the knowledge and capacity to not only identify and address service-related health challenges, but to embrace, support, and empower Veterans and families who experience them. Therefore, VHWF approaches our Mission with the required passion, purpose, and commitment to achieve our Vision. Our strategic process is supported by the Veteran Medical Neighborhood Consortium™ (VMNC) model and its Five Strategic Pillars with the goal of creating a world where ALL Veterans and their families live healthy and well lives undiminished by their service-related health concerns.
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How to get involved or get help

Get immediate help via the:

Here are ways you can get involved with the VHWF:

Also, VHWF events calendar, not only highlights special days, weeks or months devoted to celebrating veterans in general or a specific service branch, it also lists webinars and other events educational opportunities important Active Duty, National Guard and Reserves, Veterans and their families.  Join us every month for the Veterans’ Lived Experiences Series (VLES) where each month the George Mason University (GMU) Military Veteran and Family Institute (MVFI) in collaboration with the VHWF presents timely topics on health and wellness open for all to attend. Prior VLES are recorded and can be located on the VHWF Webinars access page any time!

Our VHWF Knowledge Center is continually updated with information that service members, Veterans and their family members can use. This includes webinars, links to other resources, etc.

Stay uptodate on our VHWF happenings. Sign up for our Newsletter at the bottom of our Home Page.

Most recent contributors: CPO Nate Szejniuk SSgt Timothy Prevost

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