United War Veterans Council, Inc. (UWVC)

United War Veterans Council, Inc. (UWVC)

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SSgt Timothy Prevost

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By convening and mobilizing diverse communities, United War Veterans Council will ensure government, the private sector, and the general public expand their support for veterans and their families. Veterans will be honored as role models and connectors in American society. In addition to programming throughout the year we produce the NYC Veterans Day Parade the largest celebration of service in the country with half a million spectators and nearly 40,000 participants the Parade honors those who serve and who served. To march in the parade visit www.americasparade.org. Please contact us for general questions, to volunteer or to sponsor the parade.
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How the organization supports veterans

What does the organization do to support veterans?

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How to get involved or get help

What are the ways you can get involved or get help?

Most recent contributors: SSgt Timothy Prevost

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