Tierney Center for Veteran Services
Serving America's veterans and their families
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Goodwill of Orange County’s Tierney Center for Veteran Services is a global approach to serving veterans and their families. We serve all veterans in Orange County, including immediate family members, and military personnel and families.
Regardless of when you served, how you were discharged, whether you were active duty, National Guard or reserves, you sacrificed and served our country and now it is our turn to serve you.
Goodwill’s Tierney Center offers a holistic, one stop approach that is simple, friendly and easy. At Goodwill, there are no hoops you need to jump through. We are here to serve you. We have hundreds of services, partners and resources in the community to meet any and all of your unique needs. And all of our services are provided to you and your family at no cost to you.
Our dedicated Veteran Services team helps former service members, male or female, and their families find resources and services they need. One of our team members, many of them veterans themselves, will work with you one-on-one to help identify your needs and help you achieve them. They will be with you every step of the way to make the process as easy as possible on you and your family.
We can help you and your family with:
- Employment and Career Counseling: Helping you find a job. We provide a number of services to help get you to work, including resume preparation, job readiness training, job leads and more. Our team can help you and your family find economic independence and self-sufficiency.
- Education Services: Helping you take full advantage of the education resources available. Our team can help you find benefits and financial aid, select a great college and major, and more.
- Housing Assistance: Helping you and your family find a home. Let us help place you into the best housing option for you, whether that means emergency housing or permanent living arrangements.
- Healthcare & Benefits: Making sure you and your family are receiving the healthcare benefits you have earned and deserve.
- Legal Services: Helping you address and resolve any pending legal issues, including divorce, child support or eviction.
- Financial Counseling: Helping you and your family manage your finances. Our team can help with money management, tax preparation and more.
At the Tierney Center, we understand that helping veterans access the benefits and services that are available to them will, in many situations, require personalized assistance. With that in mind, we offer a one-stop shop program in partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), County of Orange Veterans Services Office (VSO), the Department of Defense (DOD), the local veteran collaborative, and many public and private service providers.
Personalized service means one of our experienced team members will work with you one-on-one to provide referrals, help you navigate the resources available to you and act as your advocate. Goodwill’s Tierney Center will be your one-stop-shop to receiving and easily navigating these resources. Our dedicated team members will work with you one-on-one to find the services and benefits you have earned and deserve.
Most recent contributors: William Chu