Think Tank
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Subordinate units:
(ART+DATA), A10 Power, Absence of Judgment, Advanced Pet Project, Age Wave, algothink, Atomic Labs, Author of "Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them", Bay Area Mastermind,, California Common Sense,, Charter Cities, Chernock Associates, Cisco IBSG, Commonweal Institute, Creative Collabrium, DiscoveryCast, DSBE, Inc., Ecologic Institute Washington DC, future resident, Genesis Project, GISTICS Incorporated, Hacker Dojo, ideation • collaborative, InnerCircle 1, Innosight Institute, Institute for the Future, Marx&Trotsky, Meeting of the Minds -, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, Noisebridge, P.I.E. Alliance Network, Pacific Research Institute, Plug In America, Post Carbon Institute, PPIC, Questiny Group Inc., Quorum Forum, Redefining Progress, Richmond Chamber of Commerce, Rogue Paper, Inc, Sarah Westbrook, Secret Apples, SiliconHouse, St Louise Studios, The Black Think Tank, The Breakthrough Institute, The Center for the Next Generation, The Idea Hive, The Seven Point Star Group, TheLions, thoughtagg, Two Stones, Virgance, palomar5, Six Seconds, E-U-R-E-K-A !, Ministry of Delicate Instruments