Posted on Dec 16, 2021
MAJ Robert H.
American Legion and VFW posts are losing members and not getting new ones. I had this discussion with several leaders in both organizations. Older members are dying and new members are not joiners. The older members are often not welcoming either. I think making them family oriented and getting more involved in their community events might cause them to gain more relevance and awareness. This change should increase and gain more members. Thoughts?
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
Edited 3 y ago
"...The older members are often not welcoming either...." DING! DING! DING!! We have a winner!!!

When you are repeatedly told, "You aren't a REAL veteran because you weren't in the 'Nam" it kinda sours your desire to join. I finally joined the local VFW post (via National membership) but rarely go there as I'm shunned, ignored, and often looked at with open hostility by the older members.
Col Jeffrey Swegel
Col Jeffrey Swegel
5 mo
SGT Lorenzo Nieto well My members don’t feel that way, in fact, they’d welcome “new blood” with open arms
PO1 William Van Syckle
PO1 William Van Syckle
4 mo
I have to say. That the Vietnam veterans had the same problems when they first tried to join the VFW. The WWII and Korean War vets would not except them. And, boots on the ground Vietnam vets do not to this day except Era vets. If you check, you will find that there are two different classes of Vietnam vets where there is only one class in each of the other wars. Is it wrong? Yes. Will it ever stop? No. We have this separation in the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) and it will not stop. There are pigheaded individuals in every organization no matter where you go. Even have them in the American Legion. No organization is immune. Don’t let a few screw it up for everybody. All organizations need fresh blood and the only way it’s going to change is if you join and take an active roll in making the changes. Think about it, it’s on you…..
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
SFC Kenneth Hunnell
3 mo
The funny part of all of that, the same thing happened to them when they came back from Vietnam. Are we going to end that cycle.
The lack of membership is partly due to lack of communication.
PO3 Edwin Hall
PO3 Edwin Hall
22 d
Just because of your age and time frame sometimes theirs no war going on so older vets are entitled to their opinions just because vets didn't see any action because of time I love my country did my time I wouldn't join one because of these older vets they think the world owes them something and their so high and mighty
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SGT Chris Padgett
Edited 3 y ago
When I got out the 1st time (1991), I went to the VFW that my grandfather had been a member of years ago. I was told that I had to be in a combat area. I told them I was a Desert Storm vet. I was promptly told that Desert Storm wasn't a real war.
I said "fuck em" and forgot about it.
A couple months later, I happen to be at an event that the local American Legion was sponsoring.
I got to talking to one of the members there, and before I knew it I was a member.
I've been a legion member now for 28 years.
The difference between the two is night and day.
The post I belong to understands that we need to appeal to families and less to veterans only.
We're a family oriented post now, and it's way better than it was before we had the "come to Jesus" discussion and went to family format.
We actively recruit female veterans, and welcome them to our post.
We give a voice to the wives and other family members as to the direction we want to go.
If someone has an idea, we listen. We don't just blow them off.
Our post is an open book and people like that. Having secrets is no way to operate.
The American Legion as a national organization is really promoting this format as well.
A lot of posts are coming around, some better than others.
I've been to VFW Posts for programs, I'm glad I was turned away. I find them to be codger hangouts. Places where old guys drink beer and bitch about things.
If that's your thing, go for it.
The VFW I 1st went to, has sold their building, members have mostly died off and is dying on the vine.
Yet, the American Legion just a few miles down the road will hit record numbers for membership, prospers and is super active within the community.
It all about attitude and the way you treat your members.

*** Shameless Plug Alert***
If you live in the Cincinnati area, and you're a veteran, come visit us at Williamsburg Oh American Legion.
PO3 David Blank
PO3 David Blank
9 mo
Sounds like my old post- I was Honor Guard and often treated like a child there which pissed me off The old codgers always treated my like a child at the post despite me having Desert Storm/Shield deployments while none of the 'codgers' ever served in a wartime zone.
SPC Ken Cain
SPC Ken Cain
5 mo
I'm currently living in a motel in Beechmont. Not far from Williamsburg. I'll try to check it out Friday if I'm able.
SGT Chris Padgett
SGT Chris Padgett
5 mo
SPC Ken Cain - Come on Thrusdays. Not much happening on Fridays.
SPC Ken Cain
SPC Ken Cain
5 mo
SGT Chris Padgett this Thursday I'll be at the VA hospital getting a camera shoved down my throat. But I'll swing by the Thursday after this one. Happy Halloween
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SFC Larry Triplett
I had the same problem at the VFW post, I was told several times you didn't fight in a real war, The way we did in Vietnam. I'm sorry I was not old enough to serve in Vietnam, I served in Iraq and I'm an American Solider and proud that I served. We should respect each other and treat each other with Respect.
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
5 mo
You should be glad you didn’t serve in Vietnam you would have been turned away by the VA,you would have been turned down by your country, you would have been spit on called a murder, the list is long I’ll leave it at that,in that being said thanks for your service to this great nation.
CPO Rob Carleen
CPO Rob Carleen
5 mo
Vietnam vets weren’t wanted by either when we came back as well.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
3 mo
What's funny about that (VFW's) is they tole us Nam Vets, "You lost your war!" Our Legion is 78% Nam Vets, or Nam Era vets. I've never heard of any who ever shunned any Veteran . Well we do joke with Zoomies and the crayon eaters! LOL It's a post that focuses on helping any/all Vets; children & youth in mostly our county.
Yes, we have a Canteen (bar) that is the focus of a lot of men & women Vets, but that's becoming less so. We serve great food and more and more spouses and their children are involved.
Our biggest problem is smoking, and although we have an excellent filter system non- smokers avoid it. (The dining/banquet area is NON- smoking.) Posts that have made everywhere non-smoking have gone belly up. Younger Vets mostly don't smoke and have the perception that Legion's and VFW's are only about the bars. Older Vets - hell, we had cigarettes in our C-Rations!
LtCol Bruce Janis
LtCol Bruce Janis
2 mo
Nothing personal, but as a Nam combat vet, I was to,s the same thing. You are not a real combat vet like us WW2and Korea vets. Many of whom were probably in Supply.
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