Social Organizations
Social Organizations
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Social Organizations
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Subordinate units:
AIDS Arms Inc., Air Force Association - Northeast Texas Chapter #416, American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Texas, American Mensa, Artes de la Rosa, AS Parenting, CERT -Coppell Emergency Response Team, Dallas North Rotary Club, Digital Dallas, Inc., Family Guide, Frisco Noon Lions Club, Garland Chamber of Commerce, Keep Grapevine Beautiful, Keep Lewisville Beautiful, Live Your Life Foundation, Long Way Home, Mentoring Brother 2 Brother, Inc., Movement Hub, Inc, Northaven Park Patrol Service, Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Red Party Foundation, Rotary, SIMPLE STEPS... REAL CHANGE, Southlake Women's Club, Sparky's Pals, Inc., St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store of Dallas, Texoma Pets Alive, Thanks-Giving Square, The Compassion Movement, The International Association of Business Professionals, The Metroplex Technology Business Council, The Multicultural Alliance, The Richardson Chamber of Commerce, Tomlinson Touching Lives Foundation, U.S. Veterans Chamber of Commerce, WallBuilders, Wylie Acting Group for Children (WAG), Greater Keller Chamber of Commerce