SEG, Inc.

SEG, Inc.

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SrA Kevin Panneton

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Founded in 2000 in the heart of Silicon Valley, SEG has quickly grown to a staff of over 30 professional and technical personnel, including registered  Mechanical, Electrical, Process/Chemical, Architectural and Civil/Structural Engineers, CAD Designers and construction Project Managers.

The Firm provides remote and on-site staff augmentation, both on a project specific and ongoing basis to a diverse clientele. This client base encompasses venture capital and incubator start-ups to industry leaders and Fortune 500 firms.

Services are provided to a multitude of high-tech industries, including:
  • Aerospace
  • Biotechnology
  • Medical Devices
  • Microelectronics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Oil & Gas
  • Optoelectronics
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Semiconductor

In addition to these services, the Firm also acts as owner's agent/representative, providing professional staff to manage design and construction projects. In this role, SEG personnel augment the client's staff to provide seamless supoort and ensure a project's successful and timely completion.
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Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton

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