Quality Fireplace Solutions

Quality Fireplace Solutions

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20 year old Colorado Business recruiting for natural gas fireplace technician. Plumbing or Electrical experience would provide the new Technician a base for knowledge expansion. Knowledge of natural gas/propane dynamics is a plus. The technician will receive on the job training, and is expected to learn and work on the various components and types of gas fireplace appliances, eventually becoming NFI certified. Certification is required within 1 calendar year. Company will pay for the first certification test. Expectation that tech will be able to read schematics, know how to tune up and repair the appliance, and speak in terms that are understandable to management, as well as translate problems to the client (homeowner, realtor, property manager). Must be able to work independently and understand that a homeowner's safety is a priority. Invoicing, accepting payment, fulfilling scheduling requirements are included in the job expectation. Tech will maintain confidentiality in all labor and pricing. The job is FT w/additional compensation for motivated techs during the burn season, and PT (appx 30 hours) during the summer months. Advance requests for un-paid personal time off to spend with family and friends (up to 30 days during the summer months) is encouraged. Paid Time for Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years Day/Memorial Day/July 4/Labor Day holidays. Other paid vacation/personal time is negotiable and Bonus is based on tech ability to meet all of the above expectations. Website: qfireplaces.com.
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Most recent contributors: Ryan Callahan

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