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Responses: 4
MSG Stan Hutchison
If the Republican controlled Congress would get off their asses and pass a comprehensive Immigration bill, then there would be no need for sanctuary cities or states.
PO2 Peter Klein
PO2 Peter Klein
7 y
Got that right. GOP has been a thorn in the side of significant immigrant legislation for years.
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LTC Trent Klug
As badly as I want to acknowledge your petition, it's not going to change a thing in Oregon. The progressives, and the POS COL (Ret.) senator Boquist, R, Polk county will never agree to either amending this or repealing it.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
7 y
With the Oregon legislature being controlled by Peter Courtney and Tina Kotek , any legislation proposed or brought to the floor will die in committee or elsewhere.
The only way action will occur is when the dems lose control. And that won't be happening in the future with how Oregon is now.
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
7 y
You hit the nail on the head, LTC. The Portland-Salem-Eugene Willamette Valley corridor controls everything in the state, and Kate Brown is untouchable no matter what she does. That's why I moved out of Oregon 2 years ago.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
7 y
Why is that necessary?
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
7 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Why? I'll tell you why. Mr. Boquist, when he was a COL in the Army Reserve showed up to political rallies in uniform. When we asked him respectfully to leave, he refused. Then he retired. Since regulations are/were for little people in the Army and the Reserves, he's a POS.
This law was written by him because his brother committed suicide with a firearm and was the only republican in our Oregon Senate to vote for this law. I firmly believe this law will be used to disarm as many Oregonians as possible, especially given the progressive bent of most of Oregon's elected officials, including our judges. That really makes him a POS in my eyes.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
Joxua Luxor I agree with her 100%! It's too bad the state of OREGON is so LAWLESS. I hope she is able to turn this state around.
Joxua Luxor
Joxua Luxor
7 y
Thank you for your Service and comment, Sister.
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