Prism Health Advocates
Prism Health Advocates
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About Prism Health Advocates
Prism Health Advocates is a veteran-owned firm, focused on educating and actively supporting patients and families as they navigate the complexities of healthcare. Our highly skilled advocates work on behalf of individuals and their families by coordinating for and empowering them in making informed, timely, educated decisions. We assist with such things as figuring out the implications of a recent diagnosis, obtaining second opinions, researching and coordinating appointments with best in class doctors and hospitals, eldercare coordination, and negotiating billing disputes with health insurance companies, to name a few. Whether its just figuring out what doctor to use for a minor surgery, or how to ensure that TRICARE or your private insurance pays for complex medical issues—we’re here to help you in a very direct and personal way.
If you know of any service-member who’s having trouble getting on top of their healthcare issues, please send them our way. We have a free 30min consultation for any service-member and often-times our experts can help out significantly in a short amount of time!
Get In Contact
Please use the chat function on our website at
For a direct connection, feel free to reach out directly to former Armor officer:
Most recent contributors: SSgt Timothy Prevost