Oil and Energy
Oil and Energy
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Oil and Energy
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- Oil and Energy
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Subordinate units:
A.J.Edmond Company, A1 Solar Power, Inc., ACME CASTINGS, Advance Pacific Tank, Aera Energy LLC, AM Oil Resources & Technology Inc., Amber Industrial Services, Applied Coatings & Linings Inc., Aqueos Corporation, Atlantis Recruitment, BP Hydrogen Energy, BreitBurn Energy, California Hydrogen Business Council, Cambridge-Forbes Retained Search, CGC, Clark Engineering Construction Inc., ClearEdge Power, Coachella Valley iHub, Combustion Associates, Inc., CONCORD BLUE ENERGY LEASING INC., Cool Planet Energy Systems, Cosby Oil, CRE, DAN-LOC, DeWitt Petroleum, Diamond Oil, Downs Energy, DrillCompFluids, EDM Services, Inc., EGOR, LLC, Electrochimica Laboratories LLC, Energy Venture Partners, EPCM Professional Services International, Farming Biodiesel Inc., Farwest Corrosion Control Company, FTL GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, Geomechanics Technologies, Geothermal Resource Group, Global Industrial Solutions, Global Oil And Gas Services, Global Partners United, GLOBALTECH, Go Green Mobile Power, Green Energies Consulting, Grow Energy, Hamilton Sundstrand - Haskel International, Harris Group International, ICON Safety Co., Inc., ICS Integrated Control Solutions, IMS (Inspection and Monitoring Systems), Industrial Motor Power Corporation, Infinite Power Group, LLC, Intelligent Energy, InterAct, JM Northern Media LLC, KEPTECH, Inc., L.A. Turbine, Lower Energy Solutions, LLC, Lubricating Specialties Company, M4 Wind Services, Macquarie Cook Energy, Marine Project Management, MESA, Mobile Pipe Lining and Coatings, Monterey Energy, Inc., Monterey Lighting Solutions, Muni-Fed Energy, Mutual Liquid Gas & Equipment, NodalSeismic, LLC, North American Sales Company, Ole Resources Ltd., Orange Coast Energy Consulting, Pacific Energy Resources Ltd., Panda, Paramount Petroleum, Patten Energy Enterprises, Inc, PiTal Staffing Worldwide, Inc., Plains Exploration & Production, potere solar, PumpReports.com, Quality Protectors LLC, R.E. Goodspeed and Sons Distributing, R.W. Lyall & Company, Inc., R3-TECHNOLOGIES, RBAC, Inc., Re-Group International, Rector Drilling, Refined Resources, ReGreen Incorporated, Renaissance BioEnergy Inc, Rencon Technologies Corp., Renergy Corp, RenewAge Energy Solutions, Rina International, Inc., Roke Technologies Ltd., Sabeus, Saudi Aramco, Sawyer Petroleum, Signal Hill Petroleum, Inc., Smart Start Lighting, LLC, Solaro Energy, Southern California Valve, SPEC Services, SpectraSensors, Sustainable Energy Capital Partners, LLC, The Termo Company, Tiger Energy Services, Tinker & Rasor, Titan Oil Recovery, Inc, Tony Demaria Electric, Tower Energy Group, U.S. Oil Properties, US Biofuels, ViaLogy, WRC, ZGlobal, GASCO, LED Energy Revolution LLC, Lockwood International, NENA, Rohrback Cosasco Systems, Inc., AllSafe Services LLC, US Energy Initiatives Corp Inc.
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