NuLife Medical

NuLife Medical

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NuLife Med, LLC provides Concierge Medical Products & Services -Enhanced Outcomes - Our “Continuum of Care” therapies are designed to speed up recovery and rehabilitation time, to increase range of motion, to reduce edema and to effectively manage pain with fewer oral narcotics. These therapies provide for more robust outcomes, enabling patients to get back to what they love sooner. -Concierge Service – We deliver to and educate patients on the proper use of rehabilitative therapies for greater compliance and enhanced therapeutic outcomes. We are on call to provide customized patient care 24/7 during the length of the patient’s course of therapy . -No Unexpected Costs - Our out of network claims process allows physicians to offer their patients better therapies with VIP concierge service and thus better outcomes with no unexpected cost to the patient provided they follow our simple and straightforward claims process.
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