NEADS World Class Service Dogs
NEADS World Class Service Dogs
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NEADS ("NEADS Inc", formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services and Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was established in 1976 and has trained over 1,900 Service Dog teams since its founding. NEADS is accredited by Assistance Dogs International, the internationally recognized governing body that establishes industry standards and practices.
Today, NEADS offers the widest array of Service Dog programs in the industry, while still holding true to our core mission of producing Service Dogs for individuals with disabilities. We are proud of our reputation as a pioneer, leader, and innovator.
Our dogs are highly trained to:
· Provide independence when matched with people who have hearing loss or have physical disabilities, and also veterans who have PTSD.
· Promote confidence and socialization when matched with children who have autism or other developmental disabilities.
· Provide integrated therapeutic assistance when matched with caring professionals in settings like classrooms, hospitals, courthouses, mental health practices, and the ministry.
How the organization supports veterans
NEADS has been providing fully-trained Service Dogs for United States veterans since 2006 and has matched over 170 veterans with service dogs. Programs include Service Dogs for Veterans from any conflict who have a permanent physical disability or hearing loss, or have MS or other progressive conditions and veterans with diagnosed service-related PTSD. Service Dogs are provided at no cost to veterans who are eligible for our program. (
Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton