Mission Roll Call

One Voice

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Ryan Callahan

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The Purpose

The voice of the American veteran is a powerful force for change.

The voice of the American veteran. It took an Oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies. It found confidence after the first promotion and leading for the first time. It was forged and went hoarse giving commands. It yelled out on objective downrange and cheered after fallout at a welcome home ceremony. It spoke the sacred words to a Gold Star Family and fell silent at Taps graveside. The voice of the American veterans must no longer remain silent or be alone. The veteran voice is one of the most valuable voices in our Country. It’s time to stand and be counted.

Mission Roll Call is a movement providing veterans with a powerful, unified voice that is heard by our nation’s leaders and communities.
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The Program

Veterans lack a partner that proactively seeks their input on issues impacting their lives and effectively communicating their views to stakeholders. Right now, nearly half of veterans are unaffiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs or any veteran serving organization. Mission Roll Call is the first ever of its kind: a movement to give every single veteran a voice in policy and advocacy on the issues that are important to them. A community where veterans, their spouses, families, and caregivers can share their stories, concerns, hopes, wins and voice their issues.
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The How

We take the messages, views, experiences and insights shared by our veterans and deliver them directly to our leaders in order to speak unfiltered, accurate truth and enact positive change.

Mission Roll Call accomplishes this through the following objectives:

  • Connect - We help veterans connect with resources, their community and with each other. The more veterans that connect and speak up, the stronger the voice.
  • Educate - We educate the community on the value of veterans, what is important to them, and how their voices are heard by leaders at all levels.
  • Advocate - We advocate for the concerns of veterans so they can be taken into consideration by leaders and policy makers.
  • Collaborate - We collaborate with all – government, corporations, nonprofits, and veterans.

Most recent contributors: Ryan Callahan

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