Military Muscle

Military Muscle

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SSgt Timothy Prevost

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About Us

Military Muscle is an apparel fitness company that was co-founded by Robert Principato (Retired USAF) and Elijah Maine (Active Duty Navy). Military Muscle's mission is to ensure that our military, veterans, and their families are motivated, inspired, and supported. Our vision is to create a community where military veterans, service members, and supporters can find inspiration and motivation through fitness. Through different platforms such as fitness expos, military base tours, and social media, we aim to provide a positive space where the military community can thrive and connect.
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Getting Involved With Military Muscle

The benefits of getting involved with Military Muscle is that you'll have a community that always has your back. Our team consists of a variety of people who have served 20+ years in the military, military spouses and dependents, and veterans living with PTSD and other service-related injuries- no matter what you're going through, there is someone who is always willing to lend an ear to listen or to send some resources your way.
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Veteran Support Info

Instagram: @supportmilitarymuscle

Most recent contributors: SSgt Timothy Prevost

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