Management Consulting
Management Consulting
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Management Consulting
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- Management Consulting
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Subordinate units:
Allen-Villere Partners, B Squared Control Solutions, LLC, Bourgeois & Associates Management, Inc., BPlan Experts, Bugea Solutions, Claw Industries, LLC, Diversified Market Solutions, Elstrott, Maurer & Hunnewell, Firestarter Consulting, H2 Performance Consulting, Hammerman & Gainer Inc., Helion Consulting, LLC, Human Networks, Icon Consultancy Services, Institute for Workforce Solutions, LLP, Kipu Consulting, L2 Strategic Management, LLC, Mania Enterprises, Micro-Enterprise Institute, Inc., NATASHA ANGELETY MANAGEMENT, New Breed Investments, NOVACES, Path2 Better Performance, LLC, Pinnacle HR Consulting Services, PMOLink, Precision Mechanical Contractors, Premier Telecom International, Pursuit LLC, RabbitHole Consulting, SAH Enterprise, Simmons & White, LLC, START SMART, LLC, The BottomLine Company, Vision To Profit / Your BizWorks, VoodooTEQ, WHW Consultants, LLC, Women & Wine on Wednesdays, ZANDER Healthcare Management Solutions, Inc., Exemplar Companies Inc, Deltha Corporation