Love After War
Love After War
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Love After War tells the stories of heroic veterans who have fought their way to loving intimate relationships after traumatic injuries. This documentary saves lives. Because this documentary saves love.
Love After War addresses a significant problem: Over 600,000 veterans since 9/11 are living with Post Traumatic Stress and/or Traumatic Brain Injury. Tens of thousands more have suffered from life-changing physical injuries.
Nearly universally neglected in their struggle for recovery are the intimate aspects of life: intimate relationship healing. Both medical professionals and the patients themselves are reluctant to even raise the issue due to societal taboos.
Yet, the fact remains: love and sexuality are vital to the human condition. Loving and being loved is what makes life worth living.
How the organization supports veterans
Love After War will provide more than hope, insight, and inspiration.
- It will provide a voice bringing a vital issue into the national conversation.
- It will be an educational tool for the medical providers whom our veterans rely on for their care.
- It will be the nucleus of a community and a portal to resources for those in need of help.
- It will be an opportunity to learn about love for us all.
How to get involved or get help
To learn more about the Veterans and their loved ones who are participating in the film, and about the production staff, please visit
Most recent contributors: SSgt Timothy Prevost