Investment Management
Investment Management
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Investment Management
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- Investment Management
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Subordinate units:
Altin Holdings, LLC, Bannerman Wealth Management Group, LLC, Blue Chip Partners, Inc., Bulls on WallStreet, Camelot Venture Group, Clarkston Capital Partners LLC, DeRoy & Devereaux Private Investment Counsel, Inc., Exchange Capital Management, Inc., Fairlane Investment Advisors, Flexible Plan Investments, Ltd., Frush Financial Group, Glencoe Capital, Heber Fuger Wendin, Inc., HV Capital Investors (HVCI), Innovative Wealth Strategies, LLC, J2 Capital Management, LLC, Kenmar, KRS Capital Management, LLC, Lotus Funds LLC, LPL Financial | Great Lakes Advisor Group, Malmer Asset Management, Market Timing Academy, Michigan Retirement Partners, Munder Capital Management, MWA Holdings Company, NorthPointe Capital, Optimal, Personal Wealth Management, LLC, piercefinancial Ann Arbor, Pilibosian, LLC, Portfolio Solutions, LLC, Property Basics, Prosper Management, LLC, R-Squared Investments LLC, Retire On Time, Retirement Funding Advisors, Smart Guys Investments, LLC, Straightline, Strategic Investment Traders, Symphony Investment Group, The THC Group LLC,, Weather-Eye Advisors, Inc., World Asset Management, Worldwide Investment & Development Company, Nigeria Ltd.