Helping Hands for Freedom

Helping Hands for Freedom

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Helping Hands for Freedom is a national nonprofit that’s mission is to support military families and children of the fallen, wounded and deployed.  
The children of our wounded service members, and those who lose a parent to war, suffer not only from the devastating loss of a parent and a life-changing home environment, but also from the absence of a significant contributor to their growth, development, and education.
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How the organization supports veterans

Helping Hands for Freedom provides assistance through donated funds to help military and Gold Star families that have lost a loved one or are suffering with injuries from combat, including PTSD, TBI and moral injuries.  This includes:
1.     Financial Assistance:  for serious life needs.  This includes mortgage or lease payments, car payments, utility and insurance bills and other serious short-term needs.  A service member or spouse may only receive this assistance once a year from HHFF.
2.     Military and Gold Star Community Support:   for children and spouses that includes support luncheons, dinners, attendance at sports events, amusement parks, wildlife parks and other entertainment options.
3.     Life Enrichment Sports and Educational camps for military children:  we partner with professional athletes, coaches and veterans to bring military children together that share a common bond and who will take away lifelong skills from their experience.
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How to get involved or get help

Eric Snelz, CEO
777 E. Missouri Street, Suite 209
Phoenix, Arizona 85014

Most recent contributors: SSgt Timothy Prevost

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