Harbour Square

Harbour Square

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Elizabeth Malkin

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The Harbour Square, located adjacent to Fort McNair, is a group of residential towers and townhomes, organized in the early 1960’s as a cooperative community. There are 447 Residential Living Units (RLU) in thecooperative, along with 17 townhomes. Wheat Row, a 4-unit townhome building dating to 1794, encompasses the addresses of 1315/1317/1319/1321 4Th Street, SW. The Barney and the Lewis houses are also historic structures and are located at 456/468/470 N Street, SW. The remainder of the property, five mid and high rise residential towers and an additional ten townhomes, were completed in 1966. The entire property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The ground floor of the property contains the main lobby, elevator access, parking access and amenities such as indoor swimming pool and exercise area. Site management facilities are also located on this level. Each mid-rise tower has its own entry/entries and access to both street and interior courtyard space and parking. 

The courtyard space is generally landscaped with more than 200 trees and a variety of shrubs. There are several significant water features, including a very large water garden at the west end. The property is generally in the shape of a U or hollow square. 
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Why work here

The General Manger, hired directly by the board of the Coop, staffs the gatehouse, administration, maintenance and engineering staff, and is in overall control of the property.
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Veteran hiring

We have invested in RallyPoint! We believe in the community and the members of RallyPoint.

Most recent contributors: Elizabeth Malkin

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