Generac Power Systems

Generac Power Systems

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SrA Kevin Panneton

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Founded in 1959, Generac has earned a reputation as the company home and business owners turn to when the power goes out. The first to engineer affordable home standby generators, along with the first engine developed specifically for the rigors of generator use, we now sell more home standby generators than all of our competitors combined. We then revolutionized the commercial market with the first cost effective product line meeting the needs of small and mid-sized businesses.

Unlike other generator manufacturers, power generation is our sole focus, with the widest range of power products in the marketplace including portable, RV, residential, commercial and industrial generators. At Generac, we protect the things that power your life by providing quality, affordable power solutions.

We believe Generac‘s continued success will come from our dedication to growth and our core philosophy of ensuring our customers’ peace of mind by delivering a superior product and ownership experience.
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Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton

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