Fordham University

Fordham University | RallyPoint

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Shay Willard

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Fordham University is a full Yellow Ribbon university with unlimited seats for veterans at its School of Professional and Continuing Studies.
Even with the national cap on VA benefits, Fordham has reaffirmed and increased its Yellow Ribbon commitment to cover ALL tuition and fees for eligible Post-911 veterans (or dependents).
Fordham was ranked a “Best For Vets” university by Military Times for 2019. It is the only university in New York City to earn this designation.
Fordham is one of only five universities in New York state included in the Keys to Veterans Success listing by the U.S. Department of Education.
Fordham has an active student veterans organization that welcomes incoming student veterans and their families and provides a supportive bridge to the larger academic community.
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Why study here

Why should you want to study at this school?

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Veteran friendly programs

How school supports veteran continued education.

Most recent contributors: Shay Willard

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