Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Gulf Coast University
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From admission to graduation, we help our students veterans navigate their way from freshman year enrollment to graduate. We strive to ensure their needs are met and transition is smooth by fostering meaningful connections. FGCU offers a rich college experience by providing encouragement, guidance, and veteran specific opportunities to ensure they excel academically, professionally and personally.
Veteran friendly programs
FGCU's VFEP offers ALL Honorably Discharged Veterans tuition free, 12 week on-campus/virtual instruction program designed to help you start out revamp your business. We understand Veterans are not students so we work around your busy schedule, the program provides you instruction from our nationally ranked entrepreneurial staff and faculty, access to local resources such as business leaders and mentors, and an opportunity to join the local veteran entrepreneur community. Signup today!
Most recent contributors: PO2 Troy Bolivar