Defense and Space
Defense and Space
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Defense and Space
- Industry
- Defense and Space
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Subordinate units:
Adams Welding Co., AM General, Aptus Global, Badenoch, LLC, Barron Industries, Beaver Aerospace & Defense, Inc., BROWE, Inc, Burtek Enterprises Inc., Camber Corporation, CAMO LLC, Control Point Corporation, Cybernet Systems Corporation, Defense Components, Degele Manufacturing, Inc., Delta Research Corporation, Detroit Flex Defense, Dolphin Manufacturing, Inc., Ford Aerospace, General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems, GMA Corp., HMS Aerospace LLC., Horstman Inc, Industrial Experimental Technologies, Innovative Assembly Group/Innovative Materials, INTEC Automated Controls, Inc., Integrity Applications Incorporated, Lambda Corporation, Lapeer Industries, Inc, Lone Crown Business Development, Inc., Metalmite Corporation, Michigan Security Network, Optech, Phillips Service Industries, Inc., Prime Tech Inc., RedViking Engineering, Roth Solutions International, Saturn Industries, Sun Engineering, taktik(z), Inc., Thor Tool & Machine LLC, True North Logistics L.L.C., Virtual EM Inc., W Industries